Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Painful Dates

It's funny how some dates can be painful for some people...
Sometimes it's because that date was significant for a loved one but that loved one is no longer a part of your life.
Sometimes it's because of an event that happened on that date which may mark a Before and After in the seasons of your life.
The difficult part though is when they coincide and something tragic or unhappy happens on a day that was normally a day of celebration. In that case, it's like a double-tragedy, with the memory of the one almost stealing the joy of the other too. But I have found that if our hope is in the Lord, then we are confident that all things will work out together for good in the end (Rom 8:28).

Whether Christmas brings happy or sad memories, I pray that you will experience the true peace of knowing Jesus in your life when we celebrate the fact that He came.

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